Information for Presenters

  1. Oral Presentation Guidelines

The oral presentation will provide you with the opportunity to provide a brief discussion of a focused topic, in the aims of stimulating discussion and delivering knowledge to a group of listeners. There are a few guidelines regarding the presentation that the presenters are expected to adhere to:

  • The acceptance email you receive for the oral presentation will allocate you to a date and time for your presentation. You can inquire on how to set up your presentation upon your arrival to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.
  • On the day of the presentation, please arrive 3 hours before your session. The technicians will assist you with uploading or editing your files.
  • The presentation must be sent via email to the conference’s Scientific Committee within 7 days of receiving the email. This is in order to provide you with feedback and possible revisions.
  • The timing for the oral presentation is very precise, and therefore we urge you to plan your presentation accordingly. 10 minutes will be allocated for the presenter, and 5 minutes for audience questions and discussions.
  • There are no guidelines regarding the number of slides that you use. However, it is recommended that you decrease the amount of information presented on one slide as to not confuse the audience with cluttered slides.
  • If references are to be used, please incorporate them within the slide at a lower margin rather than providing a separate slide for all of the references.
  • The font used should be one that is easily readable, and be used consistently in the slides.
  • Visual aids are more helpful to discuss ideas with your audience when relevant.
  • It is recommended that the speaker does some preparation in order to guide the discussion in an efficient manner following the presentation.

 For more inquires on the presentation session, you can contact as on

  1. Poster Presentation Guidelines

A poster is a graphically-based method to present your research. It allows you to have more time and reach a larger audience based as opposed to the traditional oral presentation. There are a few guidelines that the presenter should follow in regards to the poster itself:

    • You will receive an acceptance email t for the po participate in the poster presentation session.

    The poster must be sent via email as a PDF file to the conference email before the 20th of July 2023.

    • It is recommended that you limit the text to approximately one-fourth of the space, and use visuals for presenting your research.
    • The board the poster will be mounted on will be in a “portrait” position, therefore the format should be vertical.
    • The size of the poster should be 90 x 120
    • Each poster should have a heading of:

    Under the Patronage of His Excellency the President, Dr. Mahmoud Abbas, the
    President of the State Palestine

    • The material should be displayed in a logical sequence (introduction, methods, results, conclusions). The text should be in a large enough font that it is easily readable from a distance of 1-1.5 meters.
    • It is recommended that you leave an open space between the sections, as a crowded poster is more tiring for the eye and mind.
    • Simplicity is the key in poster presentations. However, try to provide enough graphs and data that would support your final conclusions.
    • The presenters are responsible for mounting their posters in the morning of the first day of the conference, and removing them at the end.
    • It is recommended that you rehearse a brief summary of your research project, as many viewers might be in a hurry and would prefer to be provided with a quick glance of the project.
    • For more inquires on the poster session, you can contact as on